
  • О. M. HNENNYI Department «Economy and management» , Dnipropetrovsk National University of railway Transport named after academician V. Lazarian, Ukraine
  • N. S. CHERNOVA Department «Economy and management» , Dnipropetrovsk National University of railway Transport named after academician V. Lazarian, Ukraine




, investments, investment program, economic effectiveness, risk, synergistic effect, net present value (NPV), internal revenue rate


Objective. Development of methodological approach to the cost-effectiveness of investment program as a system of interrelated projects taking into account synergistic effect of their program interaction. Methodology. Used system approach and complex of general scientific and specialized methods of the research such as scientific obstruction, analyze and synthesis, network planning, quantitative finance, cost-effectiveness analysis of investments, qualitative and numerical scoring of risk level. Results. Cost-effectiveness analysis of investment program requires synchronization of investment projects, of which it consists, in this regard it is essential to use method of networking planning. Synergistic effect of investment program can be found in the dissimilarity of cash flow of investment program in general from the sum of cash flow of investment projects, which amounts it, and also from diversification of risks. To assess the last one, it is essential to do numerical risk scoring of each project and the program in general. It is efficient to take into account risk level by means of correcting discount rate, in this regard appropriate methodological approaches were offered in the research work. Major criterion of program effectiveness is value of its NPV, which is more or equal to zero. Additional criterion of effective interaction of investment projects as a part of program is requirement that program NPV will not be lower than integrated NPV of included investment projects, which were evaluated separately.  Scientific novelty. There was updated methodological approach to cost-effectiveness analysis of investment programs, which unlike the existing, takes into account synergistic effects of investment program, which influence on its cash flow, and such effects, which are consequences of risks diversification within the framework of investment program.  It allows to improve accuracy of cost-effectiveness analyses of investment programs as a system of interactive projects taking into account synergistic effect of their program interaction. Practical implication. Obtained results can be used to form investment programs, cost-effectiveness analysis, and also to optimize the content of investment program.


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