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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

    The materials must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the MS WORD editor with the extension * .doc or * .docx and are presented in printed copy and electronic format on the CD. The manuscript of the materials must be certified by the signature of the author at the end of the text.


    • UDC INDEX (in the upper left corner of the page) - in the first line with alignment on the left edge (TNR 12, drawing bold), the interval before - 0 pt, after - 12 pt.


    UDC 629.4.014.66

    • FULL LIST OF AUTHORS (CO- AUTHORS) (initials and surnames, serial number in the list and additionally for co-author for correspondence - an asterisk (upper index)) - in the second, etc. lines with alignment on the left edge. Interval before - 0 pt., After - 6 pt.
    • INFORMATION ABOUT AUTHORS (CO- AUTHORS): footnote (upper index - Arabic number and extra star for correspondent author) [if there are two or more authors], organization where the author works and / or establishment, full postal address (housing, building, street, name of locality, country), for the author (co-author) for correspondence - additional phone numbers, fax, e-mail (required!), website (if there is any). Each next address and data for correspondence must begin with a new line. The interval before the block is 0 pt, after - 12 pt.
    • THE TITLE OF ARTICLE - with alignment on the left edge; Font - TNR 14, bold, capital letters. Interval after -12 pt.
    • ANNOTATION (in one paragraph, from 250 to 300 words, not less than 14 lines) - with alignment in width, must be structured (according to the logic of the description of the results in the article) and must contain the following elements with their explicit allocation: purpose, methodology, results, scientific novelty (if any), practical significance - TNR 10 pt. The abstract should not repeat the title of the article. Interval after - 0 pt.
    • KEY WORDS (5-12 separate words and / or several word combinations in which there may be commas) - with alignment in width, TNR 10, simple; before the list in italics must be the title Keywords :; separation sign - semicolon; the dot is not needed at the end of the list. Interval after - 12 pt.

    The scientific article must meet the requirements of paragraph 3 of the Resolution of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine No. 7-05 / 1 dated January 15, 2003, and have the following essential elements:

    • statement of the problem in its general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;
    • analysis of recent research and publications in which the solution of this problem was initiated and on which the author relies, the allocation of previously unsettled parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted;
    • formulating the aims of the article (statement of the task);
    • an outline of the main research material with the full justification of the scientific results obtained;
    • conclusions from this study and prospects for further research in this direction.

    Material volume of at least 6 pages of A4 format, orientation of the book. Fields on all sides 25 mm. Font: headset - Times New Roman, kegel -14, line spacing - one and a half.

    Abbreviation is for 1.25 cm from the beginning of the line, the same is throughout the article. Align paragraphs to width. Abstracts are not separated from each other.

    The headings are typed in TNR font, font size 14 pt., bold style, in lower case letters. There is no retreat of the first line, center alignment. The subtitle is separated from the preceding text by an interval of 12 pt., from the next text - 6 pt.

    A set of tables. Tables must give the reader the information in a clear and meaningful form, they must be laconic, clear and contain the minimum data needed to illustrate the text of the article. In a correctly constructed table, the title of each graph is located directly above it, and in the sidebar there are indicators that determine the data of the lines. In the case of placing one table on several pages over its continuation / ending, respectively, the Continuation / End of tab. 1is indicated. The table's title and column numbers must be repeated on each page of the table.

    In the article, tables are allowed to be deployed vertically (landscape orientation) only in the case of an urgent need and in limited quantities.

    The tables of the same nature should be executed uniformly throughout the publication (fonts, lines, headings and graphs, breakdown between lines, etc.).

    The table should be printed as close as possible to the first reference to it in the text. Tables are made as open ones (without the left, right and bottom lines that frame the table).

    Tables are typed in Microsoft Word.

    Table number: normal style, alignment on the right edge, intervals before and after 6 points.

    Table name: TNR font, size 14 pt, bold, center alignment, interval before - 0 points, after - 6 points. The text of the table is written in the main font 10 pt., light, line by line.

    Titles of the columns (the title of the table) are typed in the font of the smaller size in comparison with other parts of the table, that is, font 9 pt., light, lowercase letters with alignment in the middle of the corresponding column, the interval before and after - 1 pt.

    The sample design is shown in the table 1

    Table 1

    Availability of passenger cars of Ukrzaliznytsia according the years of construction state on 01.01.2014 Source [Data of Ukrzaliznytsia]

    Year of construction

    Type of carriages













































































    Illustrations. Pictures and photos (raster, black and white, with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi) are inserted into the text of the article. Illustrations are also provided as separate  JPEG, TIFF files (for raster) or CDR files (for vector versions done in CorelDraw versions, no later than 11.0), which should be at a width not exceeding 165 mm and allow a reduction to the size of the column. Illustrations need to be prepared with the possibility of printing the materials on the risograph, that is, with the minimum use of shades of gray (especially this applies to diagrams prepared in MS Excel). It is not allowed to use graphic editor embedded in Word for Windows for illustration creation!!!

    The first references to illustrations in the text should, as a rule, be directly preceded by illustrations or, at least, be located as close as possible to the illustration. Usually references are given in the following form:

    ... As shown in Fig. 1,


    ... The diagram (Figure 1) shows ...

    When re-referencing, the text in the illustration is recorded like (see Figure 1). The signature under the picture should be outside the picture, the intervals before and after - by 6 pt., typed in the TNR font, light outlining, lowercase, 14 pt., aligned in the center. If after the thematic headline the decryption is given, then a colon is placed between them and the next decryption is typed in a smaller font (9 pt.).

    Lines on drawings. In the drawings to draw lines of the visible contour use the thickness of the lines 0,353 mm, for dimensional lines - 0,176 mm.

    The inscriptions on the illustration are possible in two types: 1) inscriptions on the illustration itself opposite the corresponding details; 2) designation by numbers or letters with the removal of the text of the inscriptions into the corresponding text or under the drawing. In the articles intended for a qualified reader, there is no need to store the inscriptions in the illustrations, that is, the second option is more acceptable.

    The inscriptions are typed in Times New Roman, 10 pt., the drawing is light, italic.

    Photos should be clear and contrasting. If you need to specify numbers (positions) in photos, then this is done in the Photoshop program in one of the options, and the other option is given completely clean.

    Typing formulas. For typing formulas, the Microsoft Equation 3.0 or MathType 5 formula editor embedded in Word for Windows is used.

    The formulas are arranged in separate lines, in the middle of the column, and only simple, small formulas that do not have an independent value are placed inside the text lines. Arabic numerals in parentheses indicate the ordinal number of the formula in the article.

    It is placed in the right edge of the typed text in one line with the numbered formula. If the formula is multi-line, then the number is placed in a row with the last line of the formula. The formulas are arranged so that they fit into a column of 80 mm wide. Before and after formulas there is an interval of 6 pt.

    References to literary sources are given in square brackets and correspond to the lists drawn up as follows: at first, all references are given according to the Cyrillic alphabet from A to Я, then all references are given according to Latin alphabet (A ... Z), then the list is numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals. The bibliographic record of the used literature should be done in accordance with the standard by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated January 12, 2017, No. 40 (registered in the Ministry of Justice on February 3, 2017, No. 155/30023). "Primary sources are provided in the language of the original. The volume of the list of links should be large enough – 8 or more links, at least 1 Latin link to a foreign magazine with a high index of influence or a basic monograph in this field, with most of the references not to be older than 3-4 years. Not more than 22% of the references to each of the co-authors are allowed.

    The list of literary sources is arranged in the order of their numbering and is given with a subtitle LIST OF USED SOURCES (or REFERENCES if it is the English-language article – TNR 14 pt., capital letters), which is separated from the main text and the list at intervals before 12 pt., after 6 pt. and is placed in the middle of the column.

    References - transliterated list of literature (in Latin letters), APA standard.

    Requirements for the transliterated list of literature

    The transliterated list of literature, in accordance with the requirements of science-based databases of SCOPUS and Web of Science is a complete counterpart to the list of literature and is carried out by transliterating the original in Latin language. In this case, the order and number of sources in the list of literature should remain unchanged. Links to English-language sources are not transliterated.

    References should be made according to the American Psychological Association (ARA).

    Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 27, 2010 No. 55 "On the ordering of transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet in Latin" approves the official transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet in Latin. It establishes the current rules for transliterating the surnames and names of Ukrainian citizens by Latin in foreign passports. On-line transliterator (

    On the site
    you can use the program of transliteration of Russian text in Latin for free from the point of view of the US Department of State Transliteration Rules.

    If the domestic magazine has a parallel English version, use the translated article name and the corresponding journal name.

    If the domestic magazine is translated into English, use English version of the titles of the journal and articles. Specify the range of translated versions of the magazine pages.

    Information about the reviewer who recommends the article before publication (with a degree preferably not less than a professor, a doctor of science in the relevant field). Anonymous reviewing is provided by the editorial board. Font - TNR 11, italics, interval before - 6 pt, after -18 pt

    The presence of the bibliographic list in the article is obligatory!

    BLOCK IN RUSSIAN (for the Ukrainian-language article) or in Ukrainian (for Russian-language article) – the format meets the requirements for the execution of the article


    Н. А. Божок1*, булгакова Ю. В.2, пулария А. л.3

    1* Асистент каф. «Учет, аудит и интеллектуальная собственность», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, 49010, Днепропетровск, Украина, 
    тел. (056) 373-15-69 ел. пошта

    2 к.е.н., доцент каф. «Учет, аудит и интеллектуальная собственность», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, 49010, Днепропетровск, Украина,
    тел. (056) 373-15-69, ел. пошта

    3 Глава центра технической диагностики и неразрушающего контроля на железнодорожном транспорте, к.т.н., доцент каф. «Вагоны и вагонное хозяйство», Днепропетровский национальный университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна, ул. Лазаряна, 2, 49010, Днепропетровск, Украина, тел. (056) 373-15-19, 
    ел. пошта


    Цель. Работа посвящена разработке методического подхода к оптимизации городских пассажирских перевозок с учетом минимизации затрат и повышения доходности. Методика. Для решения задач такого класса в работе предложено применить системный подход, методы рационального решения проблем и стратегическое планирование по определенному сценарию. Результаты. В работе приведены методический подход, который рассматривает проблему оптимизации городских пассажирских перевозок с учетом минимизации затрат и повышения доходности по трем направлениям. Научная новизна. Предложен усовершенствованный методический подход для сравнения между собой различных вариантов развития одновременно всех видов транспорта большого города, который в отличие от существующих базируется на экономических результатах хозяйственной деятельности транспортных компаний, экологических и технологических последствиях их влияния на окружающую среду и здоровье жителей города, а также инвестициях на обновление существующей транспортной инфраструктуры. Практическая значимость. Использование приведенного методического подхода позволит городским органам исполнительной власти принимать научно обоснованные решения по развитию пассажирского транспорта крупных городов на перспективу.

    Ключевые слова: городские виды транспорта, пассажирские перевозки, негативные последствия, расходы, оптимизация, минимизация.

    BLOCK OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LATINA - performs the function of an independent source of information; its format meets the requirements for the execution of the article.

    n. o. bozhok1*, Yu. V. BULHAKOVA2, a. l. pularija3

    1* Dep. «Accounting, Audit and Inellectual Property», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, 
    tel. +38(0562) 33 58 13, e-mail

    2 Dep. «Accounting, Audit and Inellectual Property», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, 
    tel. +38(0562) 33 58 13, e-mail

    Head center of technical diagnostics and nondestructive testing of railway transport race cars and railcar maintenance, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38(056) 373 15 19, e-mail

    Investigation of current state of passanger cars

    The purpose. The work is dedicated to the development of a methodical approach to the optimization of city passenger transportations with a view to minimizing costs and improve profitability. Methods. To solve the problems of this class in the work proposed to apply a systematic approach, methods of rational problem solving and strategic planning for a particular scenario. The Results. The paper presents a methodological approach that considers the optimization problem of urban passenger transport with a view to minimizing costs and improve profitability in three directions. Scientific novelty. An improved methodological approach for comparison of different types of development options simultaneously all modes of transport of the city, which, unlike the existing based on the economic results of operations of transport companies, environmental and technological consequences of their impact on the environment and the health of residents, as well as investments in update the existing transport infrastructure. The practical significance. Using the above methodological approach will allow the city executive authorities to take evidence-based decisions on the development of passenger transport of large cities in the future.

    Keywords: urban modes of transport, passenger transport, the negative effects, costs, optimization, minimization.

    Responsibility for the content of the article, correctness, accuracy and correctness of the citations, references and translation is the responsibility of the authors.

Author Guidelines

Dear Scientists!

 Editorial board of the Collection of scientific papers of Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after  Academician V. Lazaryan, " Review of transport economics and management " (Certificate of State Registration: Series КВ No 23782-13622ПР dated 14.02.2019), invites you to publish your work.

For the publication in the journal, articles (in Ukrainian, Russian or English) of original scientific, scientific and practical research of problem, general, methodical nature, which have not been printed anywhere before, are accepted.

The editorial board of the journal includes leading Ukrainian and foreign scholars. Chief Editor: Golovkova L.S. – Doctor of Economics, Professor, DNUZT named after Academician V. Lazaryan; Deputy Editor in Chief: Bobyl V.V. – Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, DNUZT named after Academician V. Lazaryan; Responsible secretary: Zhylinska L.O. – Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, DNUZT named after Academician V. Lazaryan;

Categories of the publication:

  1. Economics and management of the national economy
  2. Economics and management of transport enterprises
  3. Finance and Accounting
  4. Behavioral economy
  5. Digital economics, mathematical and instrumental methods of Economics


Each publication will be assigned a Digital Object Identifier (hereinafter referred to as "DOI"), in order to provide cross-linking of publications of scientific journals by means of digital object identification.

To participate in the compilation of scientific and practical articles, it is necessary to submit:

  • the text of the article, executed in accordance with the requirements given below;
  • information about the author (last name, first name and patronymic, scientific degree, academic rank, position, place of work, address, contact telephone number, e-mail address);
  • electronic version of the materials listed above;
  • a review, signed by the doctor of economics, MANDATORY !!!

The editor may not include an article in the collection if:

  • the execution of the article does not meet the above mentioned requirements;
  • the subject matter of the article does not correspond to the profile of the publication;
  • the title of the article does not correspond to the content;
  • the article is written at a low scientific level;
  • the materials were published in whole or in part earlier in other editions.

The editorial staff reserves the right to a stylistic correction of the manuscript.

For more information:

Contact phone number: +38 (067) 612 70 18


Journal site:

Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Finance and Economics Security Zhylinska Lyudmyla Olexandrivna

Privacy Statement

Names and addresses provided by you during registration on this site will be used exclusively for technical purposes: contact with you or reviewers (editors) in preparation for the publication of your article and in any case will not be shared with other individuals and organizations.