Controlling port dues in the sea ports of Ukraine


  • N. V. Ryabоvоlenko graduate student, Deputy Head of Economy and Planning of the State Enterprise "Administration seaports of Ukraine", Ukraine



port dues, targeted port dues usage, controlling, cost optimization, sea transportations, port enterprises


The purpose. Port dues in Ukraine must be optimized till cost-effective and economically based level in order to bring them in line with the competitive level of dues in the foreign ports. Based on necessary operational costs for each port the application of methodical controlling system will promote the definition of grounded level for each port due. The paper is aimed at developing of methodical controlling system in order to resolve complex task of port dues optimization and keeping the relevant source to support the port infrastructure. Methods. To resolve the task the systematic approach method is used in the paper which considers the controlling system as the rational method for resolving the problem of pricing of the port dues. Results. The methodical approach used in the paper considers the problem of enahancing the tariffs policy which regulates the port dues payment procedure from the ships coming to the cargo terminals of Ukraine for cargo handling operations. Scientific novelty. It is proposed to apply the methodical controlling system to implement the competitive and economically sounded level of port dues, cost systematization of port enterprises which are compensated from port dues in order to ensure unification of their well-grounded calculations. Practical significance. The implementation of the methodical controlling system into the port activity will facilitate the development of qualitatively new methodology of the port dues calculation and also the establishment of clear system of distribution, accumulation and spending of revenues from the port dues, which will make positive implications on the competitiveness of the ports of Ukraine.



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