The influence of the threats on the level of economic security of metallurgy enterprises
economic security, threats, management mechanism, high-technology production, innovationsAbstract
The economic security of an economic entity requires the creation of an effective management system, which integrates the links between all components of the enterprise's potential, as well as the external environment for the integrated solution of the enterprise development tasks. The article substantiates the necessity of realization of proactive strategy with the purpose of prevention of the threats to the economic security by means of revealing and use of the development possibilities of business entities. The article defines as the main ways of improving the effectiveness of the mechanism of counteraction to external threats to economic security the implementation of a set of directions for countering the threats to economic security, improvement of the process of making managerial decisions, and development of communication activities. The development of managerial decisions, such as those that affect the level of economic security of enterprises, requires the use of the integrated approach based on the differentiation of decisions, mandatory implementation of all stages of the process, and collegiality as a prerequisite for the objectivity of managerial decisions. It is necessary to strengthen the information provision of management activities and to apply advanced technologies at different stages of the development of management decisions. To counteract external threats to economic security, it is expedient to expand on international markets, to diversify production, and to intensify innovation activity. For effective international expansion, it is necessary to choose countries that have the potential to increase the demand for metallurgical products and provide steel companies with a higher profit margin. The realization of the strategy of horizontal diversification by expanding the product range will allow enterprises to increase the level of the use of production, logistics, and marketing potential. In order to increase value added and obtaining additional sources of revenue for metallurgical enterprises, it is important to develop the service of their customers. The need for innovation in the development of enterprises is related to the high-tech type of their customers' production, which, in turn, will help the suppliers to receive a higher margin. The mechanism of counteraction to external threats to economic security involves the use of a differentiated approach to resource supply of real and potential threats, ensuring the cost effectiveness of countering external and internal threats to economic security.
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