Structural transformation of the subjects of entrepreneurship of Ukraine and its implications


  • М. Pivovarov Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine



transformation, small and medium enterprises, evaluation criteria, quantity, employment, SME share in GDP, consequences of economic changes, ways of improvement


The purpose. The work is devoted to the consideration of approaches to assess the structural transformation of business entities of Ukraine and its consequences, to search for ways to develop methodological approaches, the use of economic means and methods for assessing the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the country. Methods. To ensure an objective assessment of the economic state of SMEs in the national economy, it is proposed to consider in the work a system for the unified definition of a universal system of the concept of the structure of a business entity. Results. The essence of the concept «structure of the business entity» is defined: it is a method, a mechanism for formalizing the composition, types of business entities and criteria for their restriction in accordance with the system of state regulation. The ways of improving the economic potential of the SMEs of the national economy in the future are suggested. Scientific novelty. Based on the analysis, a methodology has been developed and calculations have been performed that characterize the location of SMEs in the system of the most characteristic developed countries. This allows us to analyze the state and development of business entities of the country at the level of EU standards. The practical significance. In the paper, certain problems of transformation of business entities of Ukraine and its consequences were investigated. For their comprehensive solution, it is important to consider the main directions for assessing the economic state of the development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine, as part of the national economy.

Author Biography

М. Pivovarov, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

Dep. «Finance and Economic Security»


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Address by the President of Ukraine at the meeting of the National Investment Council 25th May, 2018.


