
  • Y YUKHNOVSKAYA The Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Аcademician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine



transport infrastructure, tourism industry, transport services, recreational resources, tourism sphere


The purpose. Analyze the state of affairs, development prospects and disadvantages of the transport infrastructure of the tourist industry of Ukraine and the perspective directions of development of components of the transport infrastructure of the tourist sector of Ukraine. Method. In order to achieve this goal, the following research methods have been used in the work: monographic (when studying the state of transport infrastructure in Ukraine), comparison (in assessing transported passengers by type of transport in Ukraine). System analysis allowed to characterize the main problems of the transport infrastructure of the tourist industry of Ukraine. A dialectical approach to studying the phenomena and processes of the transport infrastructure of the tourism industry was also used. The Results. In this work the modern state of transport infrastructure of the tourist industry of Ukraine, as well as problems and prospects of development of tourist transport infrastructure is investigated, and ways of solving concrete problems for strengthening of Ukraine's positions on the world market of all transport infrastructure of Ukraine are proposed. Scientific novelty. The directions of improvement in the field of transport services organization are proposed to achieve a synergistic effect in the system of transport infrastructure of the tourism industry, which, unlike existing ones, are based on the economic results of the economic activity of transport companies of Ukraine, which require significant investments in the restoration of existing transport infrastructure, improvement of organizational structures of management of the tourism sector and the achievement of careful coordination and coherence of flight schedules , trains and other vehicles, with the co-ordinated organization of baggage and control of its movement throughout the journey, as well as with the observance of the integrated international standards of reservation of seats and ease of transplantation. The practical significance. Using the above suggestions will allow the management of transport companies to take scientifically grounded and organizational decisions on the development of transport infrastructure of the tourism sector of Ukraine in the future and will contribute to strengthening the tourist potential of Ukraine, improve transport services, promote the socio-economic development of the adjacent territories and at the same time play a significant role in the further development of tourism.

Author Biography

Y YUKHNOVSKAYA, The Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Аcademician V. Lazaryan

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor, doctoral student Department of Finance and Economic Security


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