
  • L. O. ZHYLINSKA Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan (2, Lazarian Street, Dnipro, 49010, Ukraine; Tel: +38(093) 242 29 16, Ukraine



organizational culture, water transport enterprises, cognitive modeling, development, factors


Goal. To analyze the factors of influence on organizational culture by substantiating causal relationships and, on the basis of them, to form alternative scenarios for the development of organizational culture of the enterprise. Method. In order to achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: cognitive modeling (to determine alternative scenarios for the development of organizational culture); expert evaluation (for generalization and analysis of factors of influence on the organizational culture of the enterprise). Results. In this paper, alternative scenarios for the development of organizational culture of the enterprise have been formed on the basis of analysis of factors of influence and establishment of causal relationships between them. Scientific novelty. The best alternative to the development of organizational culture of the enterprise, in contrast to the existing ones, is the means of cognitive modeling of causal relationships between such factors: organizational culture, system of values and beliefs, crisis management, leadership and character of managers, employee motivation system, staff turnover, organizational structure, level of delegation of authority, search and transfer of information, working conditions, design of premises, bibliographic information about events and leaders of the organization, philosophy the existence and purpose of the enterprise, responsibility. Practical significance. Using the proposed approach will allow management to identify from an existing alternative the best way to achieve the development of organizational culture in the enterprise.

Author Biography

L. O. ZHYLINSKA, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan (2, Lazarian Street, Dnipro, 49010, Ukraine; Tel: +38(093) 242 29 16

Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department «Finance and economic security»



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