
  • V. N. KOLOMIIETS The Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Аcademician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan st. 2, 49010, Dnipro, Ukraine, tel./fax +38 067 921 96 49, Ukraine



human capital, human capital assessment, evaluation method, human capital components


Introduction: Human capital, which in modern space becomes a productive source of income at the world, state, and regional levels, for an individual enterprise, is an invaluable part of economic development. Therefore, its assessment becomes strategic in terms of the successful operation of enterprises, increasing the well-being of citizens, and competitiveness of the country. The purpose: Improvement of the theoretical fundamentals of human capital assessment and methodological substantiation of human capital assessment. Results and discussion: The study analyzed the existing human capital estimates. Their scope and disadvantages are highlighted. The purpose of human capital assessment is described. All categories related to human capital require clarification, legislative and normative definition, and cost expression. Conclusions: It is proposed to use the broader components of human capital to assess. It is proposed to evaluate human capital at the individual level by the following components: physical, psychological, educational, creative, cultural, intellectual, political, communicative, professional capital, social capital, security capital. The emphasis is on the need to provide the state with a single methodology for assessing human capital for all enterprises. In the methodology of human capital assessment, the use of a number of indicators describing human capital is defined. The results of this study should be the basis for legislative regulation of human capital issues at different levels of the economy and the search for ways to increase the efficiency of human capital use.

Author Biography

V. N. KOLOMIIETS, The Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Аcademician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan st. 2, 49010, Dnipro, Ukraine, tel./fax +38 067 921 96 49

Department of Finance and Economic Security


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