Logistics approach to planning freight service and commercial transactions on the railway transport


  • V. Kopytko Department of Humanities and socio-economic disciplines of the Lviv branch of the Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician Lazaryana, Ukraine
  • O. Orlovs’ka Department of Humanities and socio-economic disciplines of the Lviv branch of the Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician Lazaryana, Ukraine




transport, railway, commercial transportation, logistics, freight service, market economy, competitiveness, services


Introduction. In the article the use of logistics and its tools in the implementation of freight and commercial services by the rail are discussed. The purpose of the article consists in disclosing the role, functions and principles of logistics in the planning of freight services by railway transport. Results. The main attention on the implementation of logistics in the development of efficient transport routes in order to improve the provision of commercial services to potential clients is focused. Conclusions. The ways of implementing logistic approaches in commercial transactions of the railway industry are offered.


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