Social development of transport companies staff


  • V. V. Vertel Department of «Business Management and Logistics», State Economic & Technology Transport University, Ukraine



social development, personnel in transport organization, ensures progressive factors, social infrastructure development, human recourses management


Introduction. Problems generating pleasant relationship in labour collective worries many scientists and heads of transport enterprises, since going on in modern terms quick development of human resources: employees was improvement, aspiration expansion their horizons, realize in their own life. The Purpose. Justification to create a model of social development transport companies personnel. Methods. To achieve this goal in the following methods were used: a logic synthesis for the construction of social development planning staff to determine the allocation of the features of social development of the transport company’s collective, graphic interpretation the social infrastructure of transport companies and its components. Results. Generalized system of social development planning staff identified characteristics of the social development of the collective transport enterprises, the factors to ensure its progressive development. Graphically illustrated the social infra-structure and its components. Conclusions. Offered a general model so-cial processes management in organization and highlights the features in system functioning in organizations of the transport industry. Also consider the search for an optimal management strategy of social development staff, the use of which, by the action of social factors, will increase the company's competitiveness in the transport market.


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