Analysis of pricing methods for railway infrastructure


  • T. N. Bliznyuk Department of Acconting, Auditing and Intellectual Property, The Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Аcademician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine



pricing, infrastructure, marginal costs, natural monopoly, tariff


Introduction: Ukrainian railway transport industry is in the reforming process at the moment. According to the «State Target Program railway reform 2010-2019 years» and to improve economic efficiency in the field of rail traffic, maximize social welfare, solve environmental problems, improve regional and state finances, achieve competition between companies-carriers it is important to improve rail tariff system. The purpose: Due to organizational and structural changes, separation of railway company from the state and the separation between infrastructure manager and the railway operating companies it becomes necessary to scrutinize existing foreign charging sysytems. Results: Existing pricing methods were characterize d and analyzed and their advantages and disadvantages were evaluated, considering their effect on efficiency. Conclusions: The analysis revealed that none of the systems cannot be called the best, thus it is to improve existing tariff system and create a new one.


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