The directions of introduction of high-speed passenger traffic in Ukraine


  • N. A. Bozhok Department «Accounting, Auditing, and intellectual property» of Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine



passenger traffic, high-speed highways, railway transport, infrastructure, day passenger trains, density of population of the train, trip time, schedule, price of tickets


Introduction. Current trends in the market of transport services are consist in decreasing role of rail and raising profit of road and air transport. Therefore, government measures are necessary for increasing attractiveness of rail transport for the population. It can be reached by introduction of high-speed highways. The purpose. The analysis of introduction and development of high-speed transportations in Ukraine is a main objective of article. Methods and Results. Ukraine was engaged in introduction of high-speed rail transportation over the last ten years. Some standard and legal documents were accepted for this purpose. Carrying out the European Football Championship in 2012 considerably accelerated this process. By preparation for EURO-2012 the new rolling stock was acquired and the considerable part of infrastructure was reconstructed. All these actions led to creation of the state enterprise «Ukrainian Railway High-speed Company» who was the new powerful player in the market of passenger traffic in Ukraine. Conclusions. Today day high-speed trains can't compete with night fast trains on some directions. The main reasons for it are the big duration of the trip, the inconvenient schedule and expensive tickets for transportation. However, the gradual development and increase the speed of trains will allow this type of passenger transport to take its place in the market of transport services.


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