Labor management potential of railway companies: theoretical foundations


  • Y. Y. Parkhomenko Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine



employment potential, the component structure of the labor potential, factors of the labor potential of the company, approaches


Introduction: The development of the national economy is determined by the mobility of factors of production , which include capital, land , labor, entrepreneurial skills , information. However, the realities of today put emphasis on effective management not only technological and innovative development company, but also its workforce. Objective: Theoretical study of existing methods for determining the nature of the employment potential and its structural components for railway undertakings . Results and discussion: The competitiveness of transport products most affected by human error , as the share of expenditure of human labor in this case is significant, due to the fact that the production of services as a specific product are virtually no raw and material. In this  way analysis sources revealed that there are many points of view to determining the economic category of «working capacity». Which in turn can be divided into categories based on the macro , meso and micro levels , as its meaning has changed slightly and tried to change the specific features of the object. It is helpful to consider the employment potential employee, as part of the employment potential of the company, which is composed of the staff should provide a synergistic effect. Also, tailored to the scope of the enterprise by determining the components of its labor potential. Conclusions based on the employment potential of enterprises, in particular , rail transport is working potential employee, which can be defined as «the ability of the employee to work a certain content and complexity, depth and versatility of its general and specific knowledge, work experience, qualifications, on the one hand, and ability to improve the process of work, solve new problems arising as a result of changes in production – on the other side». In the analysis of the component structure of the labor potential can be divided into main categories: Individual and psychophysical. You can see that the state of the labor potential of the company is affected by many elements such as statevovikovi group demographic state educational qualification level professionalism and more.


