
  • V. V. BOBYL Department «Accounting, Auditing and Intellectual Property», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after AcademicianV. Lazaryan, Ukraine




«cloud» technology, operational risk, a bank, risk management


Purpose. Investigate the risks of using the «cloud» technologies in operating activities and provide recommendations to mitigate those risks. Methodology The methodological approach involves consideration of bank risk management (including operational, which arose from the use of «cloud» technologies) as from the standpoint of making the bank optimization of administrative decisions, and from the standpoint of implementation of these solutions through the organizational structure. Results. The article highlighted the risks of «cloud» technologies are investigated measures to reduce the operational risk to his constituents, the recommendations regarding the neutralization process risk arising from the use of «cloud» computing. Findings. We propose a scientific approach to the management of banking risks, which, in contrast to the existing one, includes tools to reduce the negative impact of the use of «cloud» technologies in the operations of the bank. The practical significance. Using the provided recommendations on risk management «cloud» technology improves the efficiency of the risk management system of the bank. 


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