
  • YU. V. ZELENKO Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport, named after V. Lazaryan, Ukraine
  • S. V. MYAMLIN Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport, named after V. Lazaryan, Ukraine



ecological safety, railway transport, eco-information system, ecological losses


The problems of escalation of the ecological situation in the sphere and intensification of negative trends in many sections of transport technologies are conditioned by the proactive rate of transport development and peculiarities of its interaction with the objects of environment. Objective. The required stage of the modern approach to formation of effective system of ecological management at railway station is creation of special eco-informational system that will the possibility to give an objective evaluation of ecological and economic losses, both in the process of natural resource management and in cases of accidents with negative ecological consequences. Methodology. Development of environment management systems at organization of natural resources management on the base of modern information technologies will give the possibility not only to reduce the frequency of situations, associated with the environment elements pollution, but also to optimize organization of the natural resources management, as high concentration of resources may lead to emergency in adjacent regions of mutually exclusive types of anthropogenic activity. Scientific novelty and practical relevance. There is developed the system of the environment ecological state management is intended for definition of the best options for the natural resources management development with consideration of ecological and economical factors. In the process of development of the scientific bases of the transport ecological safety development, there was carried out the analysis of three main conceptual approaches to safety definition. It is proved, that in recent years, due to measurement of the danger level on the base of introduction of the relevant factor, the proposed scientific and methodological apparatus gives the possibilities of operative management of ecological and economic risks at the railway through constant monitoring with the help of the GIS technologies and system analysis.


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