
  • О. I. KHARCHENKO Dep. «Management of Operational Work», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine



railway transport, sustainable development, transport system, subdivisions of railway transport, economic indicators, social indexes, ecological indexes


Purpose. The conducted analysis of home and foreign literature shows that a problem of choice of indexes of sustainable development, from one side, is actual and is in the spotlight of scientists, and on the other hand, the methodical and theoretical base of forming of the system of indexes of sustainable development of enterprise is worked not enough out in existent scientific researches. An aim hired is development of the system of indexes of sustainable development of subdivisions of railway transport, for the further construction of mathematical models of functioning of subdivisions of railway transport from position of sustainable development. Methodology. The concept of sustainable development of a transport sector opens up for the achievement of the put aim. Under that such development, that is able to provide on a prospect the balanced decision of problems of socio-economic development, reduction of negative influence on an environment, is understood, and also providing introduction of resources-saving technologies the real and future necessities of different industries and spheres of human activity. As an index that characterizes development of subdivisions of railway transport in the direction of saving of resources  it is suggested to use the integral criterion of efficiency; the ecological constituent of sustainable development of subdivisions of railway transport it is suggested to estimate on the basis of indexes that represent the changes over of extrass of contaminents in an atmosphere and noise contamination of environment brought to the money equivalent; the social constituent of process of functioning of subdivisions of railway transport  is appraised directly by the sum of the money withholdings on events on the increase of salary of workers of subdivisions, and also on the social programs and programs on educating of workers of subdivisions, and also the index of development in the direction of upgrading of service was taken into account. Findings. As a result of forming of the system of indexes of sustainable development of subdivisions of railway transport an integral index that reflects basic principle of sustainable development was got.   Originality. New approach offers on development of the system of indexes that characterize steady development of subdivisions of railway transport. Practical value. Structural reform of railway transport of Ukraine, that is conducted presently, requires the decision of task of increase of efficiency of work of industry in the earliest possible dates. An offer system of indexes, that characterizes sustainable development of subdivisions of railway transport, allows to estimate efficiency of functioning of subdivisions of railway transport from position of sustainable development is introduction of resources-saving technologies, decline of influence of the techno genic system on an environment, providing, and also upgrading of service of customers the social constituent of development.


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