The notion of efficiency as economic category and its essessmrnt in transport


  • K. V. Kravchenko Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine



efficiency, economic efficiency, competition, income, profitability, resources, charges of activity


Introduction The development of transport depends on evaluation and analysis of its efficiency. Formulation of the problem. The process of final results achieving is assessed by efficiency indices. Effective management requires constantly growing needs to be fully met by means of rational use of limited resources. Purpose. Define the concept of enterprise efficiency; identify the main factors that influence it. Form a system of indices to measure the efficiency of the passenger rail travel. Analysis of research. The scientific works written by such scholars as V. Pareto, A. Smith, A. Lerner, A. Lange, K. Arrow and others are analyzed in this research. The main results. Economic efficiency is presented through the act of the law of saving time. The classification characteristics of enterprise efficiency growth factors and transport services efficiency assessment indices formation scheme are provided in this research. Conclusion. The assessment of transport services provision efficiency is what determines administration decision making most, characterizes the level of transport system development and is the basis for social and economic connections to be formed between different subjects of management.

Author Biography

K. V. Kravchenko, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

Department «Accounting, Auditing, and intellectual property»


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