State and problems of competitiveness of companies in ukraine under the environmental uncertainty


  • G. V. Omelchak Dnepropetrovsk National University named railroad transport academician V. Lazaryana, Ukraine



innovation, innovative potential, competitiveness, potential competitiveness potential


Purpose. The article aims to determine the importance of the innovation process to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises Ukraine on the world market and highlight the main priority for ways to improve the situation. Methods. Economic restructuring Ukraine, focused on the use of intellectual resources and development of high-tech industries as opposed to material and energy intensive industries, involves the creation of conditions for continuous updating of technologies and products, increase the educational level and improving governance through innovation, based on the latest scientific knowledge. Results. To improve the competitiveness of Ukrainian products state must be an active member of the global technology market. Ukraine remains a technological state, and its scientific and technical potential can become a major factor in the crisis. To this end, the State must adopt and implement new innovative policy based on the rule of STP in economic development. Scientific novelty. Proposed to assess business opportunities for the implementation of the intended portfolio must obtain a qualitative assessment of the enterprise, based on a comprehensive analysis of the company that will help identify critical points, choose an effective way of restructuring. The practical significance. The method comprehensive assessment of the enterprise using the examination procedure can be applied not only in strategic management under uncertainty, but also as part of the procedure for the diagnosis and prediction of potential business. Evaluation of the potential of certain sectors of the economy to improve competitiveness of Ukraine to determine basic industry and manufacturing, which should take a leading role in economic development, and eventually and take key positions in its structure.

Author Biography

G. V. Omelchak, Dnepropetrovsk National University named railroad transport academician V. Lazaryana

Department. "Finance and Economic Security"


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