Organizational-economic bases of planning reproduction of fixed assets of track facilities


  • M. P. Sighnajevsjka Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine», Institute of Economy and Management, Ukraine
  • T. V. Polishko Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine



Railways infrastructure, railways, reproduce, fixed assets, economic evaluation


Problem: Empowering businesses operating in restructuring, increased their attention to the improvement of the organization and planning of fixed assets on playing railroad facilities, as well as for their effectiveness. Objective: To develop organizational and economic indicators underlying methodological recommendations of evaluation plans playing railroad facilities. Results: For a detailed analysis and assessment of the nature and operation of fixed assets railroad facilities authors developed and justified Scorecard, formed on the basis of analysis of the factors that determine the dynamics of structural components that affect the condition of assets railroad facilities. Generalized evaluation plan playing railroad facilities by using criteria indicator. Conclusions: Comprehensive improvement process playing railroad facilities possible on the basis of a systematic approach to the implementation of all its stages and phases: analysis and evaluation of technical, economic and operational condition; identification of reserves to improve efficiency; development plans playing railroad facilities agreed with long-term plans of production; analysis and evaluation plans, their optimization; playing railroad facilities development project and its implementation. A system of indicators based on a hierarchical structure and used in almost all phases and stages of playing railroad facilities is a connecting element for compliance in the process of planning principles playing railroad facilities as commitment, complexity, proportionality, consistency.

Author Biographies

M. P. Sighnajevsjka, Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine», Institute of Economy and Management

Dep. «Accounting and general economic subjects»

T. V. Polishko, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

Dep. «Economy and management»


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