Theoretical aspects of interaction between rail transport and regional actors


  • V. A. Zadoya Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine



passenger transportation, regional policy, compensation, subsidy, Road Center


Purpose. The work is dedicated to the development of a methodological approach to improve the efficiency of regional passenger transport by improving interaction with regional actors. Methods. To solve the problems of this class in the work proposed to apply a systematic approach, methods of rational problem solving and strategic planning for a particular scenario. Results. In the work we are given a methodical approach that considers the problem of regional passenger transport with a view to optimizing the interaction with the regions in three directions. Scientific novelty. An improved methodological approach to the selection of the optimal strategy for economic passenger management, based on a system-technical approach to the description of the market of transport services for passengers in the zone of responsibility of the company. The practical significance. Using the above approach enables regional state administrations to make science-based decisions on the development of passenger transport in the region in the future

Author Biography

V. A. Zadoya, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

Department «Economics and Management»


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