The importance of railway tourism in Ukraine in the contemporary socio-economic conditions




ourist flow, tourist route, tourist train, narrow gauge railway


Introduction.In highly developed countries, tourism is one of the branches, through which the budget gets much of the money. In particular, the last time very popular railway tourism, whereby tourists can comfortably and within their financial capacity to travel. Ukraine faced the problem of a significant reduction in the volume of tourist flows, depreciation of fixed assets, lack of investment in their renewal, reduction in passenger traffic. The purpose. The purpose of the article is to justify the development of railway tourism in Ukraine. Methods. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research constitute a systematic analysis of problems to ensure the competitiveness of the tourism industry in the area of Passenger rail transport, theoretical principles of economic science in the field of railway tourism and management of tourist flows. Results. The author offers directions of management of tourist flows, which differ from the existing expansion of services to tourists in Ukraine. Prompted the development of rail domestic tourism, as well as specialized equipment tourist trains. As a result of the assigned tasks to be achieved the following results: improving the image of Ukrainian railways; increasing the share of tourism and resorts in the gross domestic product to the level of developed countries; bringing the number of employees in tourism and resorts to the level of developed countries; increase in total number of rooms in hotels and other accommodation facilities certified to the level of developed countries; an effective system of monitoring the quality of tourist services in accordance with the adapted international experience; creating an attractive investment climate for attracting investment in the broad development of tourism, engineering, transport and utility infrastructure, improving the safety of tourists, providing effective protection of their rights and legal interests and property. Conclusions.The author shows the theoretical improvement and new scientific problem solving. It is revealed in the development of theoretical and methodological approaches concerning the need to develop railway tourism. Rational use of activities proposed by the author directions management of tourist flows will significantly increase revenues to the state budget from the inner rail tourism.

Author Biography

L. V. Martsenyuk, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

Dep. «Economics and Management»


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