Economy-mathematical modeling in improving the functioning railways




economic and mathematical modeling, maintenance, railway transport


The purpose. It lies in the analysis, identification and development of effective measures to improve the performance of rail transport in terms of its reform and cooperation with freight traffic sectors of the national economy by implementing methods of economic-mathematical modeling. Methods. The technique of the process of economic and mathematical modeling involves creating a database, based on a system of separate production of passports and local facilities. The main direction of economic information system design at the sectoral level - an integrated data processing system that coordinates the flow of information and its processing procedure at the appropriate levels. The Results. Conducted in the review and analysis of existing economic and mathematical models of optimal planning and placement industries suggests the need for their use as a constructive tool to improve existing technological circuit sectoral planning. Improving sectoral planning and use multifactor mathematical economic models put forward new requirements for information provision planning. Improving planning methodologies should result in changes in the organizational and management structure, the distribution of functions between different levels of government railway industry. Establishment of branch and departmental automated systems management requires a comprehensive review of methodological, informational and organizational aspects of the railway industry to design these systems to interact with nationwide system of national economy. Scientific novelty. A comprehensive approach to improving the system of railway transport planning, taking into account the need for traffic freight transport-creating national economy based on the methods of economic-mathematical modeling. The practical significance. The results of the research can be used to improve the efficiency of the planning process of railway transport in view of its technical and economic opportunities and requirements of cargo.


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Підсумки роботи транспорту України за 2014 р.: Експрес-випуск Державної служби статистики України : Статистика транспорту [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:




