Trends railway tourism in the western region Ukraine


  • V. I. Kopytko Dep. Humanitarian and socio-economic training, Lviv branch of Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine
  • O. V. Orlovska Dep. Humanitarian and socio-economic training, Lviv branch of Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine



tourism transport, rail tourism, benchmarking, travel services, travel packages, regional tourist complexes, railway infrastructure


Goal. Considering the use of the transport component, including rail transport is one of the options for the provision of services when making tourist trips potential customers form the tasks of transport when considering the provision of travel services to assess and analyze existing capacity service prospects of the tourism industry following the European standards, the aim of acquaintance with Ukraine and its regions, the process involving rail and other modes of transport. Method. Methodical basis of research are works of local scientists Railway Tourism and tourist activities in Regina Ukraine to facilitate the impact on tourism as a whole, and will harmonize the structure of tourist packages. Results. In Western Ukraine railway tourism development and the associated line of business also have serious prospects because in our country there are many recreational resources and well-developed rail network, which allows for a variety of form and content railway tours. Until this issue is appropriate to involve the general principles of vehicle inspection principles tourism benchmarking. Scientific novelty. Based on studies of rail tourism and related business line Western Ukraine proved that it is the railway industry enables a comfortable and safe travel, creates conditions for acquaintance with the wide geography of tourist routes through landscapes of the Western region, provides timely implementation schedule of trains and offers discounts that enables potential customers to save on travel. The practical significance. The suggested author offers can be used for further development of services transport infrastructure of tourism to facilitate the impact on tourism in general, harmonized framework of tourism packages to meet consumer demand, to promote new forms of tourism, to provide transport accessibility of new tourist destinations and to promote the economic development of the regions and states .


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