Improved methods of evaluation using inventory park of freight cars


  • O. Е. Zits dep. «Economy and entrepreneurship», State economic-technological transport University, Ukraine



мatrix approach vertical hierarchical levels, inventory park of freight cars, car performance, average turnover of freight wagon, the elements of time the average turnover of freight cars


The purpose.The paper outlined estimate using inventory park of freight cars based matrix approach, the essence of which is to determine the vertical hierarchical levels of performance and performance horizontal distribution operation for carrying freight cars, mileage and time. The Results.The scheme depends indicators of cars to determine the appropriate calculation algorithm, which enables conducting systematic and objective assessment of the efficiency of inventory park of freight cars. Proved that highest first vertical level is an indicator of the performance of the car, which integrates all the qualitative indicators of freight cars. The practical significance.In order to illustrate the proposed method essentially presenting the article analyzes the impact of quality indicators of railways of Ukraine on performance of freight cars.


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