An estimation of potential of building enterprises is in the conditions of crisis


  • V. Bobil Dep «Accounting, Audit and Intellectual Property», Dnipropetrovs’k National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine
  • T. Oberemok



building companies, economic crisis, company’s potential, constituents of potential, the area to the "square of potential"


The purpose. The work is dedicated to the development of a methodical approach to determination of thebuilding companies’ potential is in the conditions of economiccrisis. Methods. The paper presents a new methodological approach to element composition of the companies’ potential and determination of the area to the "square of potential". The results. The paper presents a methodological approach to determination of the area to the "square of potential". For a more precise definition of the capacity building enterprises are encouraged to use an expanded range of indicators that take into account the peculiarities of assessment of enterprises of the construction industry during the economic crisis.Scientific novelty. An improved methodological approach for determination of thebuilding companies' potential in the conditions of crisis. The practical significance. Using the above methodological approach will allow to the managers of building companies to accept effective administrative decisions in the conditions of economic crisis.


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