Methodological approach to determining railway infrastructure access charge


  • T. M. Savitskaya ARL «Economics and Management of Railway Transport», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician, Ukraine



infrastructure, access charge, fixed costs, trains flow


The aim is to develop a methodological approach to the determination of charges for access to the railway infrastructure. Methods. To solve the problems of this class new method proposed in this article, developed on the basis of the distribution of fixed costs, taking into account factors affecting their value. This technique allows to properly allocating costs for infrastructure use. Findings. All expenditures relating to infrastructure were allocated from first cost of passenger and freight traffic. These costs are divided into two components: fixed and variable. Disadvantages of existing approaches to the distribution of fixed costs were analyzed and a new approach was proposed. The approach to harmonization and the gradual transition to a market pricing system has been proposed. Originality. Methodical approach to determining the charges for access to the railway infrastructure was further developed, which takes into account the share of each consumer in a practical amount of trains flow that allows to reasonably allocate fixed costs among the participants of the transportation process and to stimulate the effective slot allocation. The mixed model of establishing infrastructure access charge was offered for the first time. It provides for the possibility of an alternative choice of fixed-costs allocation depending  either on the share of each consumer in practical train flow or depending on customer demand elasticity. This will allow the infrastructure manager to cover the costs effectively, to increase demand for their services and methodical approach, which has been proposed, meets the conditions of non-discriminatory access and the transparency. Practical value. Implementing of this methodical approach will allow calculating the real, economically reasonable charge for access to the infrastructure, encouraging infrastructure managers to optimize their activities and attract new customers, thereby creating competitive conditions for carriers


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