Ekonomycal issues of using regional renewable resourses for energy supply





biological resources, straw, transportation cost, the cost per unit of capacity, renewable energy, productivity of grain


Goal. The study considered economic circumstances the possibility of transfer of heat generating capacity Dnipro region on renewable energy sources such as biofuels as straw. The main purpose is to miscalculation of economic opportunities and the cost of specific measures for such a transition. This transition will result in a significant reduction in the cost of traditional energy resources for heating. As an example set boiler compact town of Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan (DNUZT) that consumes natural gas. Method. The analysis of the legal framework that encourages the use of renewable energy sources considering the share transfer power boiler to the use of straw as fuel. The paper identifies opportunities Dnieper area to ensure receipt and supply of straw for heat supply capacity during the heating season. The cost parameters of cargo transit through Ukraine territoriyi in 2016, depending on the distance and the size of trucks are analyzed. These indicators and indicators related to its purchase, considered together with energy potential use of straw as fuel. Results. With existing in Ukraine as of 2016 regarding agriculture and grain productivity cost prices in transport the transition on renewable fuels is very  effective. The cost of thermal power units can  be lowered in four times. Scientific novelty. The first time the use of new approaches to integrated evaluation unit cost of thermal power boiler with  transition to the use of renewable energy is proposed. The authors also proposed a new logistics delivery of these sources to the city of their use. From the technical side and the value determined optimum power transfer order for new renewable energy sources in a particular region depending on the structure of sown surfaces and their productivity. The practical significance. The introduction of the proposed solutions, and approaches to share power boiler renewable energy can be implemented at relatively low capital investment and can provide significant economic benefits.


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