
  • I. V. BEREZA Іnstitute of problems of the market and economic-ecological researches of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



fixed assets, infrastructure project, efficiency, enterprises of transport construction


The purpose. The work is devoted to the formation of the theoretical basis for the development of a model for calculating the effectiveness of an infrastructure project for the reproduction of the main means of transport construction enterprises. Methods. To solve the problems of such a class in the work, it is proposed to apply a system approach, methods of rational problem-solving and strategic planning for the short and long-term perspective.. The Results. The theoretical and methodological approach is considered, considering the problem of reproduction of the main means of transport construction enterprises taking into account the calculation of the volume of additional investment resources to cover the deficit of the depreciation fund. Detected categorical changes in the situation around the simple reproduction of production facilities in transport construction in cost and natural-material forms, may worsen the crisis situation in the national economy. Lack of funds from the depreciation fund for a simple reproduction of productive assets slows down their write-off after the expiration of the terms of their operation, approved by the regulatory. Depreciation acts as a compensation for the accumulated physical and moral depreciation over the life of the facility. With the obligatory observance of the terms of accrual of depreciation funds regularly and continuously. Thus, a depreciation fund is formed, the amount of which was sufficient to offset the initial value of fixed assets. It is necessary to determine the real amount of additional investments for the recovery of depreciated and write-offs of fixed assets. It is proposed to calculate the amount of additional investments, taking into account the dynamics of market prices to ensure a simple reproduction of production assets to cover the depreciation fund's deficit. Scientific novelty. The advanced theoretical and methodological approach for comparison on the results of calculation of several variants of calculation of the required amount of investment resources, which will allow the enterprise reasonably to consider in the contract price for construction products to install funds sent to implementation of the processes of reproduction of fixed assets. The practical significance. The use of the above-mentioned theoretical and methodological approach will allow managers of transport construction companies to make scientifically sound decisions regarding the development of the potential of construction enterprises of transport in the future, which will lead to an improvement in the efficiency of the functioning of the freight-producing industries and the national economy as a whole. Conclusions and recommendations. According to the considered model of calculation of the efficiency of an infrastructure project for recreation of fixed assets, the problem of the lack of amortization funds for simple reproduction remains unresolved. Consequently, transport construction companies, which strive to work steadily in the future, need to calculate yearly the amount of profit necessary to implement simple reproduction processes.



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