Evolution of behavior of individual consumers on the market of tourist services in the context of behavioral economy


  • L. Golovkova Каф. «Фінансів та економічної безпеки», Дніпропетровський національний університет залізничного транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна, Ukraine
  • N. Grynoch Каф. «Адміністративного забезпечення соціокультурної сфери», ВП «Львівська філія Київського національного університету культури і мистецтв», Ukraine
  • L. Dyachenko Каф. «Адміністративного забезпечення соціокультурної сфери», ВП «Львівська філія Київського національного університету культури і мистецтв», Ukraine




evolutionism, behavioral economics, consumer behavior, tourist service, holistic marketing


Goal. The aim of the scientific work is to study the evolution of the behavior of individual consumers, taking into account the characteristics of the behavioral economy, the development of an updated concept of the behavior of individual consumers in the tourism services market, respectively, to their psychological and theoretical cognitive aspects of those processes that are associated with the adoption of residual solutions. This will ensure better interaction of all participants of the tourism services market, the highest level of consumer satisfaction, reduce risks in their purchasing behavior, better balance interests in the market of demand and offers of tourist services. Methodology. The methodological basis for the study of the behavior of individual consumers in the tourist services market was the scientific works of foreign authors from the above issues, the statistical data of the GFS of Ukraine and the Administration of the State Border Service, as well as the available practical results of the activities of tourist enterprises. The authors believe that there is a need for new scientific studies of the evolution of consumer behavior in the tourism services market in the context of the behavioral economy. This determines the need to analyze the factors influencing the behavior of individual consumers who buy or not buy goods (services), the definition of a number of psychological components of such processes that change over time under the influence of current economic conditions. Results. The article analyzes the scientific works of foreign authors from the above issues, the statistical data of the GFS of Ukraine and the Administration of the State Border Service, as well as the available practical results of the activities of tourist enterprises. The authors proposed basic conceptual provisions for improving the interaction of individual consumers in the tourism services market and tourism enterprises, and also defined practical recommendations for implementation to make more effective management decisions. This will ensure the highest level of satisfaction of individual consumers in the tourism services market and new opportunities to combine rational goals of economic behavior of each consumer according to his cognitive abilities, reduce risks in their purchasing behavior. Scientific novelty and practical importance. The authors of the article justified that the evolution of consumer behavior in the tourism services market is a continuous process that changes according to the factors of the external environment and the individual behavior of consumers, which is in a certain relationship and interdependence. The article defines the basic conceptual provisions for improving the interaction of individual consumers and tourism enterprises, and also proposed practical recommendations for implementation in their activities. This will provide new opportunities for tourism enterprises to make more effective management decisions, ensure the highest level of their economic efficiency, improve the level of consumer satisfaction, and better individualize their mutual relations in the tourism services market.



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