Use of organizational instrument management of social responsibility on transport enterprises




transport enterprises, socially responsible activity, controlling system, a balanced system of indicators, strategic development


Goal. Obtaining new knowledge on the development of the scientific direction "ensuring the management of socially responsible activity controlling tools" both in the theoretical and practical plane. Method. To formalize an effective strategy for the development of a transport company, it is proposed to use the following methods: modeling and analyzing causal relationships between strategic goals; systems of balanced indicators (key indicators, centers of responsibility); development of procedures, forms of presentation, methods of planning, collection and processing of key indicators values; the definition of ways to bring the strategy to the managers and employees of all structural units and to coordinate the system of motivation based on the results of the balancing of indicators; formation of recommendations for changing the system of indicators when viewing the strategy; ranking of strategic projects; automation of planning, collection and processing of indicators values. Results. The authors suggest using the system of balanced indicators, linking strategic goals, indicators of their achievement and tactical actions on social responsibility depending on the degree of its integration into the system of strategic management. Scientific novelty. The authors carried out studies in the field of transport on the basis of consideration of theoretical and applied bases of organizational tools for ensuring the management of socially responsible activity. An analysis of effective tools for managing socially responsible activity has proven that the most promising for further research will be topics related to the accounting and control of socially responsible activities. Practical significance. The system is aimed at the implementation of ideas and principles of social responsibility in the practical activities of the enterprise to achieve strategic goals, the possibility of dialogue with interested parties and confirmation of the fulfillment of obligations assumed by them.

Author Biographies

B. Andrushkiv, Ternopil National Technical University named after Ivan Puluj

Scientific and Technical Library

O. Pavlykivska, Ternopil National Technical University named after Ivan Puluj

Scientific and Technical Library



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