
  • N. HRYNOCH Separate subdivision Lviv Branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kushevich st., 5, Lviv, Ukraine, tel. +38 (032) 52 51 95, Ukraine
  • V. DMYTRUK Separate subdivision Lviv Branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kushevich st., 5, Lviv, Ukraine, tel. +38 (032) 52 51 95, Ukraine
  • L. DYACHENKO Separate subdivision Lviv Branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kushevich st., 5, Lviv, Ukraine, tel. +38 (032) 52 51 95, Ukraine



communication management, culture, cross-cultural management, sphere


Goal. The work aims to discover the essence of cross-cultural management to be a component of management  technologies,  and to determine the possibilities for the implementation of the obtained results to influence the creation of a more attractive travel destination image of Ukraine. Methodology. To achieve the set tasks, the paper displays a number of promising and forward-looking vectors for the development of cross-cultural management in the activities of tourism industry’s enterprises. The authors also substantiate the need for practical implementation of these directions. Results. The paper suggests advanced directions for the development of cross-cultural management in the activities of tourism enterprises aimed to create  more attractive destination  image of Ukraine, and to market itself in the tourism industry as well.

Scientific innovation. The proposed looking-forward directions for the development of cross-cultural management in the sphere of tourism enterprises introduce a number of novelties. Namely, travel company managers will focus to gain exactly those cross-cultural knowledge and particulars that are specific to each individual country inbound tourists come from. This, in turn, ensures the implementation of updated and effective intercultural communication strategies. Practical implications. The implementation of the proposed promising directions for the development of cross-cultural management, the renewed motivation policy and the training of tourism enterprises' staff focused on cross-cultural competence and communication, based on specific information concerning  every single country inbound tourists arrive in Ukraine, provide the creation of its more attractive image on the tourism industry market.

Author Biographies

N. HRYNOCH, Separate subdivision Lviv Branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kushevich st., 5, Lviv, Ukraine, tel. +38 (032) 52 51 95

Каф.  «Адміністративного  забезпечення  соціокультурної сфери»,

V. DMYTRUK, Separate subdivision Lviv Branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kushevich st., 5, Lviv, Ukraine, tel. +38 (032) 52 51 95

Каф. «Адміністративного  забезпечення  соціокультурної сфери»

L. DYACHENKO, Separate subdivision Lviv Branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kushevich st., 5, Lviv, Ukraine, tel. +38 (032) 52 51 95

Каф. «Адміністративного  забезпечення  соціокультурної сфери»


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Офіційний сайт Державної служби статистики України [Електронний ресурс].  Режим доступу: http:// www. (дата звернення 10.10.2018 р.)

Офіційний портал Верховної Ради України [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: http: // www. / (дата звернення 10.10.2018 р.)

Офіційний сайт Міністерства економічного розвитку і торгівлі України [Електронний ресурс].  Режим доступу: http: // www. / (дата звернення 10.10.2018 р.)

Офіційний сайт Державної фіскальної служби України [Електронний ресурс].  Режим доступу: http: // www. dpsu / (дата звернення 10.10.2018 р.)


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