
  • V. V. BAIGUSHEV Consultant of the Chinese international company BEIJING ORIENT KING TECH C0., LTD tel. +38 093 907 37 15, Ukraine




Flexibility, flexible behavior, subject of economic activity, vagueness, changeability, contradiction, system, management, economy


Aim. Work is sanctified to research of influence of factors ofvagueness, contradiction and changeability of marketeconomy on flexible behavior of subjects of economic activity. Methodology. For research the general theory of the systemsand analysis of the systems are used. Results. Necessaryrequirements are certain for the synthesis of business-сlosesystem of management subjects possessing flexibility at theaction of factors of vagueness and contradiction ofmacroenvironment.                          A novelty is scientific. The mechanisms ofcoperation of factors of vagueness and contradiction ofmacroenvironment and management subject are offered andreasonable, as a management object.
Practical meaningfulness. For the decision of problems ofcounteraction to the factors of vagueness and contradiction ofmacroenvironment the methods of consulting and intellectualmodels are offered

Author Biography

V. V. BAIGUSHEV, Consultant of the Chinese international company BEIJING ORIENT KING TECH C0., LTD tel. +38 093 907 37 15

Candidate of engineering sciences , Corresponding member To Ukrainian Technological Academy


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