Approach of the systems to estimation of internal potential and competitiveness of railway transport as basis of creation of the balanced system of indexes


  • O. V. Khristofor State ekonomiko-technological university of transport, Ukraine



criteria of economic activity of enterprise, competitiveness of enterprise, internal potential of enterprise, innovative potential of enterprise, system of the balanced indexes, economic efficiency


Purpose. The system of statistical indexes which are used presently for description of activity of railway transport has utterly low intercommunication between the arrays of information and weak influence on the results of activity each of the selected blocks of indexes. The purpose of the article is forming of conceptual principles of the balanced system of indexes, by the characterized high degree of innovative newness, construction of integral case efficiency of a railway transport company frame. Method. The developed list of indexes, characterizing internal potential of enterprise of railway transport, is based on the in-use in industry system of statistical indexes, reflecting the results of activity of railway transport. For an effective management industry we are select principles conducts of analysis of the systems, allowing estimating all complex of factors of internal potential and competitiveness of industry, and the proper groups of indexes are formed. Results. It is set that in-use in railway industry statistical indexes are characterized insignificant intercommunication in relation to influence on the results of activity of industry. The offered system of indexes allows to expose and set causal and consequence connections between the selected groups of indexes and estimated indexes, that is instrumental in an effective management all system. Scientific novelty. The list of indexes, characterizing the use of internal and, foremost, economic and innovative potential of enterprise of railway industry is offered, which in analytical aims is structured and separate on basic groups. A list of indexes in groups is opened and complemented or grows short under act of changes in an environment, and also taking into account a change a situation in industry. Practical meaningfulness. The use of the offered system of indexes of internal potential and competitiveness of railway industry is given by possibility scalene and complex to estimate the real situation in industry and due to it effectively by it to manage, sending resources in the river-bed of development, economy, increase of profitableness.

Author Biography

O. V. Khristofor, State ekonomiko-technological university of transport

A department is «Management of organizations and logistic»


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