To the question of problems in functioning and development of the enterprises of the tourist sphere


  • L. A. Djachenko Uzhgorod national university, Ukraine



tourist industry, infrastructure, infrastructure tourist, makrosreda factors, factors of the internal environment, problem of the enterprises of the tourist sphere


Purpose. Research of some questions of problems during the functioning and development of the enterprises of the tourist sphere provides development of practical recommendations, use of the updated methods of the organization of business not only at the tourist enterprises, and also at the enterprises business – partners. To such business – to partners also the enterprises which carry out service of tourists, in particular on railway transport belong. Practical use of the developed recommendations will allow the enterprises of the tourist sphere and their business – to partners to reach more than effective economic results, bigger efficiency of interaction, bigger level of satisfaction of consumers.Technique. Geopolitical changes which took place in Ukraine, influenced development of national economy, and some factors caused delay of rates of economic growth. For this reason, there is necessary a research of problems in activity and development of the enterprises of the tourist sphere taking into account geopolitical changes and taking into account interests their business – partners. Feature of a technique of solution of problems during the functioning and development of the enterprises of the tourist sphere consists in that, it is necessary to consider also more interests business – partners. Results. In article proposals are submitted to the enterprises of railway transport for ensuring optimization of activity and reduction of system of services which they provide to more optimum state. It is also offered practical actions which will promote solution of problems during the functioning and development of the enterprises of the tourist sphere. Scientific novelty. It is offered organizational actions for participants of the market of the enterprises of the tourist sphere, at the accounting of interests business – partners, construction to more effective general interaction and the accounting of geopolitical factors. Practical importance. The conducted researches give the chance to claim that in modern conditions of development of national economy, at geopolitical changes in Ukraine, there is a need for solution of problems during the functioning and development of the enterprises of the tourist sphere not separately, and considering also interests business – partners.

Author Biography

L. A. Djachenko, Uzhgorod national university

Dep. Tourism


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Офіційний сайт Державної служби статистики України [Електронний ресурс].Режим доступу: http:// www.

Про внесення змін до Закону України «Про туризм» : Закон України про внесення змін до ЗУ «Про туризм» від 9.04.2014 року № 1193- VII. Режим доступу: програмно-технічна підтримка — Управління комп'ютеризованих систем © 1996-2014.


