Improvement of theoretical and methodical government competitiveness of enterprise and estimation of his competition status bases


  • T. S. Melnyk State administration of railway transport of Ukraine, Ukraine



competition potential of enterprise, strategic potential of enterprise, competitive edge of enterprise, competition status of enterprise, competitiveness of enterprise, internal resources, external environment, strategic aims


Purpose. In the conditions of narrow-mindedness of resources and information, growth of probability of offensive of risk situations, complication of social and economic situation in a country, deepening of general economic crisis the special value for every enterprise acquires the purposeful search of competitive edges and possibilities to gain end, adapting oneself to the quickly changing external environment. It testifies to the necessity of further development of theory of management the competitiveness of enterprises. There is also a requirement in forming of the methodical going near the estimation of competition status of enterprise which is determine the degree development of strategic and competition potential of enterprise for providing and maintenance of his competitiveness. Method. Estimation of competition status leans against the intercommunications set by us between categories «competition potential», «strategic potential», «competitive edge», «competition status» and «competitiveness» of enterprise. The method of estimation of competition status enables to define the degree of development of strategic and competition potential of enterprise, and also to estimate the terms of external environment for maintenance at high level of competitive edge of enterprise which predetermines his competitiveness. The method of estimation of perspective competition status, giving the generalized estimation to the prospects of development of enterprise in the future is expounded. His prognosis is built on the calculation of index of strategic potential of enterprise and index of influence of external environment. Results. Providing of competitive edges and maintenance of competitiveness of enterprise becomes complicated because of narrow-mindedness of resources, insufficiency of information, increase of probability of interference with activity of enterprises of negative factors of external environment. It is set that competition potential of enterprise, determining his ability successfully to compete at the market, depends on his competition status and strategic potential. As one of methods of management competitive edges and competitiveness of enterprise the improved method of estimation of his current and perspective competition status is offered, that demanded the substantial revision of scale of grades of meaningfulness of elements of strategic potential of enterprise. Scientific novelty. The vehicle of categories is improved in the theory of management the competitiveness of enterprise. In the chain of fundamental determinations on the basis of research of causal and consequence connections between them and clarification of essence of every category concepts «competition status» and «strategic potential are entered». It enabled to specify and perfect the method of estimation of current and perspective competition status. For the estimation of prospects of development of enterprise the scale of grades of meaningfulness of elements of strategic potential is developed, in which the degree of influence of constituents of potential is indicated on achievement of aims of development of enterprise. Practical meaningfulness. Introduction of the offered method of estimation of perspective competition status in practice of strategic management an enterprise, oriented to development and improvement of the competition position, will allow to be concentrated on the search of those competitive edges, which are able to provide him success in competitive activity and achievement of aims at terms, formed in the internal and external environment of enterprise.

Author Biography

T. S. Melnyk, State administration of railway transport of Ukraine

Department of passenger transportations of distant report


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