Methodological ground of conduct of potential passengers on railway transport


  • O. V. Khristofor State Economic and Technological University of Transport, Ukraine



potential consumers, process of taking decision, consumer’s behavior, social factors, psychological factors, economical behavior, segmentation, elasticity of demand


Purpose. Nowadays the theory of supply and demand, which was the main doctrine of consumers behavior, proved its insolvency to represent the real situation on the market. Latest researches show, that a lot of outward factors have influence on the real consumer’s behavior. As a result, consumer’s decisions are irrational. Most of all, this situation is typical for transport services market, as transportation services are subordinated to other needs and are needed to satisfy them. Methodics. Effective management of consumer’s behavior and forming the effective complex of marketing actions, aimed on expansion of user’s sectors, needs studying of consumer’s behavior based on complex model which combines different factor groups. That’s why we need to develop methodologic of learning processes of consumer’s decision making. That will help to organize and systematize consumer’s needs better and to form an effective supply of railroad transporting services market. Results. Further develops the research of internal and external factors of transport services users decision making. Are investigated the conditions of taking rational and irrational decisions and main directions of marketing influences that should be aimed on single segments. Scientific originality. By classifying, segmentation idealizing of typical behavior aspects of consuming that have displays in massive form, was formed a rational model of consuming. Was developed a matrix of passenger sections depending on urgency of transport demand and frequency of railroad transport services using. Practical significance. The model of rationality of consumer’s behavior, displayed here, specifies the main directions of marketing aims in transporting organization. This model should be used in conditions of limited financial resources with the purpose of optimizing the service sector of railroad passenger transporting.

Author Biography

O. V. Khristofor, State Economic and Technological University of Transport

Department «Management»


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