Economic-innovative efficiency of distribution of investment resources on reproduction of means of travelling facilities


  • M. P. Singaevskaya Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine», Ukraine



economic-innovative efficiency, a specialised rolling stock


The purpose. The purpose of given article is calculation of economic-innovative efficiency of distribution of investment resources on reproduction of means of travelling facilities. Methods. Economic efficiency of introduction of scientific and technical workings out is defined by means of an indicator the pure discounted income. Features of life cycle of a specialised rolling stock consist that the given kind of means of labour represents an element of a travelling infrastructure of railways, works on its(his) updating are spent(lead) more often by own forces of structural divisions of travelling facilities, travelling machine stations. In work it is offered to calculate a pure monetary stream which provides the economic-innovative project of reproduction of the basic means of travelling facilities. As analogue travelling car(machine) RM-80 (Austria) acts self-propelled. Specialised rolling stock which can be realised the domestic manufacturer – car (machine) SCH-1000/UA - manufactures of Kahovsky factory the equipment (Ukraine). On the technical parametres the domestic specialised rolling stock is better for similar. And, in addition the car(machine) has the raised(increased) productivity, a number of additional technological functions. The Results. By results of the calculations of a pure monetary stream of the project executed by the author which is considered(examined) and formed at the expense of difference in expenses on life cycle of a domestic specialised rolling stock and analogue. Thus, current working costs relatives also can not join in expenses on life cycle. The difference in expenses is formed at the expense of the different price of a special rolling stock and expenses on their repairs. Use of the advanced approach concerning definition of rational volumes of requirement for a specialised rolling stock only one group and calculation of economic-innovative efficiency of distribution of investment resources on reproduction of means of travelling facilities will allow to receive the pure discounted income of 50,1 million грн. Scientific novelty. It is offered the advanced methodical approach for comparison among themselves various variants of distribution of investment resources on reproduction of means of travelling facilities. The practical significance. Introduction of the proved actions leads to improvement of a condition of the basic means of production of travelling facilities, improvement of quality of transport services of railways and fuller satisfaction of demand in transportations of cargoes and passengers.

Author Biography

M. P. Singaevskaya, Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine»

Dep. «Accounting and general economic subjects»


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