Problems of updade traction rolling stock and performance evaluation of investment projects in the locomotive department




update of the traction rolling stock, locomotive department, efficiency of the investment projects, the net present value, a criteria for evaluating of the effectiveness of the investment projects


Purpose. A high degree of wear of the traction rolling stock leads to the need to update the locomotive fleet, which requires significant capital investment. For Ukraine, there is an objective need for reforming on the railway transport with the aim to attract private investors to invest in the renovation of rolling stock. An important issue is to determine the efficiency of investment projects in the locomotive department. Methodology. To achieve this goal uses a systematic approach to determine the total effect of updating the TRS for locomotive department and Ukrainian railways in general. Finding. Authors studied the problems of physical and moral wear of TRS, identified potential domestic and foreign companies-suppliers of railway equipment, considered the principles and the basic indicators of performance evaluation of investment projects. One of the main criteria for evaluating of the effectiveness of the investment projects is the net present value (NPV), which is taking a value greater than or equal to zero, provides a positive efficiency of implementation of the investment project. Originality. The article proposes to evaluate the efficiency of investment projects (acquisition of the locomotive) in the locomotive department by means calculating the improved net present value by taking into account the total effect of updating TRS for locomotive department and railway transport of Ukraine as a whole. Practical value. The proposed indicators of performance evaluation will let more definitely to determine the effectiveness of investment project in the locomotive department and in the case of positive efficiency to attract private investment to update the traction rolling stock.

Author Biographies

O. M. Hnennyi, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazarian

Department «Economy and management»

A. V. Vyshniakova, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazarian

Department «Economy and management»


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