Approach of productivity of the railroads of Ukraine to the level of the leading countries of the international union of the railroads


  • G. EYTUTIS Dep. of Economy and Management, State Economic and Technological University of Transport, Ukraine
  • V. KARPOV Dep. of the Development of Industrial Infrastructure, Institute for Economics and Forecasting NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O. NYKYFORUK Dep. of the Development of Industrial Infrastructure, Institute for Economics and Forecasting NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine



performance of railways, modernization, score, comparative analysis


Purpose. The aim of the study is to compare the productivity of Ukrzaliznytsia and each railway with the railways of the UIC leaders, assess the level of achievement of its performance and development of measures for the approximation of the level of the railways in these countries. Methodology. The research is based on the method of scoring and benchmarking performance Ukrzaliznytsia and each railway within its composition, with the railways of the UIC leaders. Determining the place of performance of railways is based on the criteria of minimum amount of points obtained in all indicators of performance. Performance metrics for differentiated areas are: productivity infrastructure, passenger and freight, locomotive and car industry. Based on the scoring, using the method of comparative evaluation, made an analysis of the ratio of the performance of the railways of the UIC leaders with Russian railways. In addition, the study used the methods of synthesis and system analysis, abstract and logical. Results. The result of research is the development of measures on the modernization of railway transport of Ukraine, in order to bring the performance of railways of Ukraine to the level of leading countries of the UIC. Originality.. At present, the study of productivity in rail transport is to analyze and develop proposals to improve performance from the perspective of enhancing the performance of traction or wagon, freight or passenger transport and certain other activities. The proposed study is the differences in the ways: First, it covers virtually all areas of rail transport, and has a comprehensive and systematic approach to its analysis; secondly, a comprehensive comparative analysis of productivity used as the basic directions of the development of proposals for the modernization and development of the domestic rail transport. Practical value. The practical significance lies in the fact that isledovanie allowed to make an objective assessment of the state of the railway transport in the performance of its activities. Find the most vulnerable places on the performance of domestic railways and to develop measures and ways to minimize differences with the performance of leading countries of the UIC. In addition, the results of the analysis can serve as indicators needed to improve the railway transport of the country.


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