The question of improving the system of railway infrastructure in the market


  • V. О. ZADOYA Dep. «Economics and Management», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after acad-emician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine



rail infrastructure, strategic planning, rail transportation, reformation


Purpose. The work is dedicated to the development of ways to improve the efficiency of transport in rail transport by improving the strategic management of long-term development of railway infrastructure. Methods. To achieve the objectives proposed to apply a systematic approach, methods of rational problem solving and strategic planning purposes. Results. The paper presents the theoretical approaches that allow to evaluate the medium and long term investment restrictions on the maintenance and development of railway infrastructure.  Scientific novelty. An improved approach to determine the potential of the strategic management of the railway infrastructure on the basis of structuring and resourcing of the production process. The practical significance. Using the above approach will allow the railway administration to make science-based decisions regarding the medium- and long-term development of railway infrastructure in terms of corporatization of the industry.


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