The role of marketing in increasing the competitiveness of rail freight


  • L. A. SHILO Dep. «Accounting, Auditing, and intellectual property», Dnіpropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine
  • I. L. DOBROVOLSKAIA Dep. «Accounting, Auditing, and intellectual property», Dnіpropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine
  • A. S. PIATIGORETC Dep. «Accounting, Auditing, and intellectual property», Dnіpropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine



freight transportation, regulated tariffs, freight flows, expediting of load, conjuncture, infrastructure component, logistics, competitiveness


Introduction: rail transport is of strategic importance for Ukraine because caters to the largest freight and passenger transportations. Today's economic situation requires from Ukrzaliznytcia more flexible policy in the sphere of organize and provide freight traffic, and increased competition in the transport market makes it necessary to use marketing concepts in public transport services. The goal: elaboration of measures to increase efficiency of the process rail freight marketing, applying the principles of logistics at the expense of significant parameters for the delimitation of spheres of application.The task of the article: to define the basic parameters of the marketing and logistics of transport servicing customers of rail freight.Results and discussion: application of marketing approach on transport assumes the account of a wide complex of organizational, economic, managerial and financial tasks during the formation a balanced tariff system, improving the calculation of freight tariffs and is determined by incomes of freight transportation.Conclusions: The analysis of the transport market and the results of the study should be an important starting material for the planning and organization of freight traffic, improve the management of transport, development and implementation the whole complex of marketing activities to expand and improve the quality of transport services and, ultimately, to stabilize the financial situation of railways.


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