Activities of tourist enterprises, taking into account regional features of transport tourism progress


  • V. I. KOPYTKO The Humanities and socio-economic department training, L’viv branch of Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named by Academician V. Lazaryan, Ukraine



tourism regional clusters, tourism transport, railway tourism, innovative way of development, regional tourism cluster enterprises


Purpose. Generalization and extension of theoretical and methodological foundations and elaboration of practical recommendations for the introduction of cluster model of development of enterprises of the tourism industry is conducted, given the regional characteristics of the transport tourism in Ukraine. For example Trans Carpathian region expediency of the further development of railway tourism is proved. Methods. Theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the work of national and foreign scholars on tourism, the problems of business development, regional economic and sustainable development of the regions, theories of innovation. A regional cluster formation, which will contribute to the effective functioning of transport and tourism, will ensure sustainable socio-economic development of the territory is proposed. Results. Taking into consideration various types of tourism rail tourism transport is a part of the tourism infrastructure (for example, Trans Carpathian region). The role of rail transport in shaping transport infrastructure of tourism is obvious, because it will provide: functionality, communicative, dynamic, despite the type of ownership (public, private, mixed). Overall state strategy should be reduced to increase specialize in tourism. Specialization firms can serve as an additional stabilizer of the tourism industry, which is to create a regional tourism entities in the direction where the place of transport tourism will be determined, including train tourism because the railway are often places where not able to bring tourists another vehicle. Such structure is able to serve as the nucleus emerging tourist and regional innovation cluster. Scientific innovation. The essence and main trends of tourism in Ukraine and its regions conducted regional and international comparison of the results of these activities including the development of rail transport and tourism are analized. The factors which determine the specificity of innovation in the transport of tourism, the necessity of transition of the tourism industry on the innovative path of development, suggest ways of improving the cluster approach to regional tourism (for example, Trans Carpathian region), with regard to reforming the railway industry in Ukraine. The practical significance. The proposed provisions and author recommendations can be used as a theoretical and methodological base of travel agencies to implement innovative potential tourism clusters regional level.


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