System analysis of determination of optimum level of tariffs


  • K. N. Razumova Dep. «Accounting and audit»!, the State economic-technological transport University, Ukraine



management, efficiency, competition, transportation, passenger transportation


Goal.To sum up the most well-known concepts of different scientific schools, it can be argued that the concept of management of passenger transportations on a railway transportation consists of five components: set of objectives, principles, functions, methods and forms of management companies and associations in terms of economic freedom, the development of the transport market and competition. Therefore, the management needs to start with the right objectives. Railway transport Manager is the head of the enterprise or Association, with special training in the field of management of transport production in the conditions of developed market, transport, works, services and competition. We can safely say that the crisis that erupted in Ukraine's economy and in the transportation industry, this is a consequence of low qualification of managers (managers), lack of new knowledge and experience. Analysis of the economic side of this social, moral and ethical norms or General rules leads to the conclusion that under market conditions it is profitable. Insures the integrity of all on the likelihood of deception, in many other cases, speeds up the conclusion and implementation of transactions and therefore the turnover of capital in the early part of product promotion to the consumer, increases its sales, revenues and profits of each participant of the production and sales of products. So abroad with the violators of the principle, recognized by common moral standards cost tough: they no longer have a case or require pre-payment, which sharply reduces the competitiveness and efficiency of the entity.Technique. For solving problems of this class in the article is proposed to use a grouping method and data analysis in solving economic problems of passenger transportation and the adoption of economically justified management decisions. Scientific novelty. Proposed to achieve the objectives of economic agents in market conditions and competition in the managerial decision making use of new socio-economic principles. 


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