Investing in human capital as a factor of reforming of railway industry and economic development of Ukraine


  • M. M. Semenyak Industrial structural unit locomotive depot Chernivtsi Lviv branch railway Public Company Ukrainian railroad, Ukraine



human capital, human capital formation, railway industry, investments, reformation, the economic development


Goal. The article is devoted to substantiation importance of investing in human capital in the process of reforming the railway transport. Methods. To solve the problems, determine the status of scientific problems of theoretical and practical aspects of research in the article the method of theoretical search (analysis of scientific literature and regulatory documents, summarizing of practice experience and comparison, classification, systematization) are used.   Results.  Theoretic survey of current issue regarding optimization of the railway transport within reformation via investments into the human capital assets has been given in this paper. Necessity of legal framework improvement in this direction has been argued. Theoretic material regarding the necessity of investments into the human capital assets within the railway transport reformation has been improved is summarized. Issue regarding formation of the human capital assets aimed at improvement of skilled work force development with purpose to achieve efficiency and competitiveness of railway is developing further. Practical relevance.  Theoretically pointed out necessity of application of innovative technologies, advanced experience of European countries in the process of personnel re-training will facilitate improvement of education quality of railway workers, development of human capital assets within reformation.


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